Learn to Draw Star Wars: Learn to Draw Favorite Characters, Including Darth Vader, Han Solo, and Luke Skywalker, in Graphite Pencil, Paperback
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, Star Wars came to theaters. Ever since, this beloved franchise has been delighting audiences with great characters, epic adventures, and unforgettable moments. Whether it's Luke storming the Death Star in his X-wing starfighter or Jabba the Hutt weighing fates, there are endless cherished memories from the series. Learn to Draw Star Wars brings this franchise's rich history somewhere we've scarcely seen it: the realm of fine art. With graphite drawings by Lucasfilm collaborator Russell Walks, this 128-page guide shows artists of all skill levels how to render classic characters as detailed pencil drawings. Step-by-step projects elegantly re-create household names, including Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Darth Vader. With notes drawing on the history of each subject, Learn to Draw Star Wars helps readers deepen their Star Wars experience while strengthening their drawing skill.