The Complete Future Shocks Vol.1
Tharg’s Future Shocks are one-off, twist ending, sci-fi thrills that have introduced many of the biggest names in the comic book industry through the pages of 2000 AD.
From Alan Moore to Al Ewing, Kevin O’Neill to Jon Davis-Hunt, Future Shocks have been a staple of the UK's best-selling comic 2000 AD! This exciting first volume takes us back to the earliest days of the strip and showcases the burgeoning, immense talents of such luminaries as Steve Moore, Alan Moore, Brett Ewins, Brian Bolland, Dave Gibbons, John Cooper, Carlos Pino, Jesus Redondo, Steve Dillon, Peter Milligan and many, many more.
* The all-time greatest selection of the ground-breaking graphic short stories which were the backbone of the UKs best-selling comic 2000 AD.
* Featuring comic book industry royalty Alan Moore (Watchmen), Dave Gibbons (Kingsman) and Brian Bolland (The Killing Joke) in the place that their careers began!
* Featuring 320 pages of the finest science-fiction comics ever produced - including never-before-reprinted strips and rare artwork.
* Previous titles: 9781905437818The Best of Tharg’s Future Shocks, 9781904265887 Complete Alan Moore Future Shocks