R. G. Collingwood: An Autobiography and other writings
This volume presents a many-faceted view of the Oxford philosopher R. G. Collingwood. At its center is his Autobiography, published in 1939, which has the status of a cult classic for its compelling "story of his thought". Collingwood's work has enjoyed renewed attention in recent years, with new editions of his great philosophical works. This volume republishes the Autobiography alongside a previously unpublished account by Collingwood of a journey to the East Indies in 1938-1939. These writings are accompanied by eleven specially written essays. Several of these examine aspects of Collingwood's life--not just the Autobiography, but what he doesn't discuss in that work, from his childhood to his professorship at Oxford. And the essays also examine aspects of his work on philosophy, politics, history, and archaeology, in the context of his life.