Ice Cream for Breakfast
'Read this for life lessons you know but have neglected.' Stylist
'Rediscover and embrace your inner silliness and watch your busy, stress-filled actual life become, well, simpler.' Red
Discover the surprising art of reconnecting with your inner child in order to make your adult life that little bit simpler.
> You can own your own home and want to build a blanket fort on a bad day. Hell! On a good day, too.
> Give yourself permission to seek praise, ask for help, and have something soft snuggled against your face because you're sad.
> You can pay your bills on time and still exclaim out loud when something is really f*cking cool, run a business and wear cat-covered thermals under your suit.
> You can take time to play, just because.
Full of spirit and un-self-conscious enthusiasm, Ice Cream for Breakfast: Child-Like Solutions to Bullsh*t Adult Problems is the permission slip all too-grown-up-for-their-own-good-but-secretly-scared-of-adulting adults need to locate their inner-child nestled deep within, so that we might all relax enough to laugh harder, wonder more, and marvel at magic on the daily.