The Development of Thinking in Children
This book-guide for adults for the development of thinking in children. It contains a variety of problems for your kids, doing, that your children will develop their thinking. These task due to images, and more. These paintings can decorate after thinking jobs. This book will be very interesting for parents and teachers to work with children. Do not hard lesson with the child and develop their mental abilities The highest stage of cognition in humans is considered to be the thinking. The development of thinking is a mental process of creating obvious that do not require evidence of the laws of the surrounding world. This intellectual activity that has the purpose, motive actions (operations) and the result. In preparation for the school, it is important to help your child develop logical thinking. This will help you a very interesting and informative job on the development of thinking in children. In carrying out these tasks, your child will learn to compare and talk. Your child will develop logical thinking.Targets for the development of thinking is very important in preparing for school. Very good if your child alone can explain your choice in the performance of tasks for the development of thinking.If your child is difficult or gives a wrong answer, tell him, but do not answer fully for it.