Pain Management for Older Adults
Written specifically for older adults who need practical information and advice for managing chronic pain, this easy-to-read, illustrated guide offers effective techniques, exercises, and methods to improve quality of life. With an emphasis on realistic goals, resisting negative thoughts, and mind/body balance, this Second Edition of Pain Management for Older Adults: A Self-Help Guide offers an up-to-date approach to successful pain management, ideal for older adults with chronic pain, physicians and health-care providers, and caregivers. Includes self-assessment checklists, progress charts, photos and illustrations, and clear instructions for managing pain – in easy-to-read large print. Uses worksheets, bulleted lists, and an easy-to-follow organization to improve learning and help you effectively tailor information to your specific needs. Examines the many areas of daily life that affect chronic pain, including relaxation and mood, social support, exercise, the home environment, nutrition, sleep, the physician-patient relationship, and the role of medication. Provides information for caregivers of older adults who have dementia. Discusses many techniques and methods that have been found to be helpful for patients of any age who live with persistent pain.
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