It's Arts Play
It's Arts Play: Belonging, Being and Becoming through the Arts introduces undergraduate students to Arts education for Early Childhood (birth to 8 years) via the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF), which offers a holistic concept of children's learning, framed around the themes of Belonging, Being and Becoming. The text covers all five subjects identified as part of The Arts in the Australian Curriculum (dance, drama, media arts, music and visual arts). While the integral importance of the arts in early childhood is generally accepted, the nature of authentic arts education practice in this sphere is not well understood. This text offers well-focused, comprehensive and sound practical guidance for students. It promotes a play-based approach, and emphasises learning through the Arts and engagement in the Arts as congruent with the developmental model of children's learning, as characterised by the EYLF. A distinctive feature of this text is theincorporation of authentic Indigenous Perspectives embedded throughout.