Story Sparks
Have you always wanted to write a novel but have felt insecure of whether or not your idea is good enough? Or maybe you've already written a few novels, but now you're feeling stumped, like you've used up all your best ideas. Maybe you wonder if your ideas are missing something or may not be strong enough to carry an entire novel through to its end. It may seem like some writers have endless story ideas while others struggle to come up with even one. There are plenty of great books on the market that focus on how to outline and organize your plot points and how to develop your characters, but even before you get to that point, you'll want to have a great story idea to start with. Before you spend months or years pouring into your writing, you'll want to make sure the idea at the heart of it is captivating and worthwhile.
In Story Sparks, you will...
- Learn how and why stories resonate with us
- Discover new and fun ways to come up with story ideas
- Get help in choosing from your ideas and then following through with implementing them
- Troubleshoot your ideas for potential pitfalls
- Find a lengthy Appendix section of ideas for when you're feeling stuck
If you've ever gone through a period without writing due to Writer's Block, this book is for you. The truth is, finding great story ideas does not have to be a gift or a talent grown from birth. It is a skill, and it can be learned.
Never be stuck for story ideas again. Don't be blocked...be sparked