Psychic Wholeness and Healing
As noted psychiatrists, authors, and lecturers, Baars and Terruwe excitingly blend medieval and classical notions of the human psyche together with modern clinical discoveries as they probe the topic of psychic wholeness and healing. The authors explore the entire human psyche, including man's spiritual dimension, which is an area totally ignored by most modern psychiatrists--creating in modern man an ever-deepening sense of frustration in searching for effective psychiatric treatment for his emotional turmoil. The books' numerous detailed clinical case histories clarify the authors' therapeutic principles. The following questions, among many others, are considered in this work: How best to help a person who lives in constant fear that he has committed a serious sin even though he knows he has not? Does a person who wants to live a moral life, yet cannot refrain from doing things that he knows are immoral, suffer from weakness of willpower or from a neurosis that would lend itself to therapy? ""An exploration of man's psyche, integrated with his spiritual dimension. Essentially, this book integrates modern psychological discoveries with the psychology of Saint Thomas Aquinas. Dr. Terruwe and Dr. Baars take a refreshing look at the human person and healing from a Christian perspective, something that the secular humanistic and scientific views of man fail to take into account. The reader is given an understanding of many of the repressive disorders, which include symptoms such as fear, anxiety, depression, irritability, anger, fatigue, scrupulosity, and obsessive-compulsive symptoms. The repressive process, the different types of repressive disorders, and their appropriate treatment are discussed. Clinical cases underscore the concepts in this book, bringing the reader an understanding of the freedom available through the healing of these emotional disorders and hope for those afflicted. This book is geared for a wide audience--laypersons, mental health professionals, and those involved in Christian ministry and the moral formation of others. It includes the English translation of Dr. Terruwe's thesis on the human person's normal emotional, spiritual, and intellectual life."" From http: //www.conradbaars.com Conrad W. Baars, MD (1919-1981) was a Dutch-born American citizen who practiced psychiatry in the United States from 1946 until his death. Educated at Oxford University and the University of Amsterdam Medical School, Dr. Baars served in the anti-Nazi underground in Belgium, France, and the Netherlands during World War II. He emigrated to the United States following the war, where he discovered Dutch psychiatrist Dr. Anna A. Terruwe's work on energy and frustration neuroses in the mid-1950s, which he developed and promoted throughout the rest of his psychiatric career. His books include Born Only Once, Feeling and Healing Your Emotions, and I Will Give Them a New Heart: Reflections on the Priesthood and the Renewal of the Church. Drs. Baars and Terruwe coauthored Psychic Wholeness and Healing and Healing the Unaffirmed. Dr. Anna A. Terruwe (1912-2004) lived in the Netherlands, where she practiced psychiatry in the city of Nijmegen. She earned her MD at the University of Utrecht and her PhD at the University of Leiden. Known as the discoverer of new syndromes dealing with the energy and frustration neuroses, she treated patients from all over Western Europe. Pope Paul VI called her work a special gift to the church. Dr. Terruwe lectured widely, taught at the Catholic University of Nijmegen, and was the author of many books, most of which have been translated into German, French, and English. The best-known are Emotional Growth in Marriage and The Neurosis in the Light of Rational Psychology.