The Midwives' Guide to Key Medical Conditions
The new edition of this popular paperback continues to offer student midwives with a wealth of information about the key medical conditions seen during pregnancy and childbirth. Each disorder - which has been selected because of its commonality or potential seriousness to health - is accompanied by a clear description of the associated anatomy and physiology thereby affording the reader with a clear understanding of the presenting complaint.
Containing almost 60 carefully reproduced line diagrams and an abundance of tables and 'pull out' boxes, this friendly, accessible volume explores the epidemiology of each disease, and its impact on maternal and child health. Relevant physiological changes in pregnancy are also provided, together with a clear discussion of associated pathophysiology. Throughout the book, prenatal, intra-partum and postnatal management advice is given, with particular emphasis given to the care of the acutely ill patient and medical emergencies.
The Midwives' Guide to Key Medical Conditions is designed to help practitioners manage pregnancy and childbirth in women with systemic disease, recognize the early onset of disease-related pregnancy complications, and determine when it may be necessary to refer patients to another member of the healthcare team. The volume will ideal for all midwives, whether qualified or in training.