Hug Chickenpenny: The Panegyric of an Anomalous Child
""S. Craig Zahler is certain to become one of the great imaginers of our time."" -- Clive Barker "" C]harm and optimism ... infusethis] dark story. A] delightful combination of tones ... bound to leave readers both smiling and thoughtful.."" --Kirkus Reviews ""The latest novel from the author of Mean Business on North Ganson Street (2014) is a Victorianesque tale set in twentieth-century America, featuring orphaned Hug Chickenpenny, a child born with several ""anomalous"" features, such as one red eye, a stump for his left arm, and lumps on his head. Hug's mother dies giving birth to him, and he's found by her best friend, Abigail, who brings him to an orphanage. A sweet and happy baby, Hug is cared for by George, one of the workers at the orphanage, and scorned by another, the icy receptionist Jennifer. George is dismayed when Hug is adopted by a scientist who studies anomalies in nature. Several years later, a tragedy returns Hug to the orphanage, which to Hug's dismay is now being run by the cruel Jennifer. Throughout the ups and downs of his life, Hug remains cheerful and optimistic, pursuing his love of rockets and adventure. Readers will find themselves pulling for the lovable Hug and for a happy ending to Zahler's unusual and unusually appealing tale."" -Booklist ""A sharp look at family, deformity, community, and belonging. At once moving and merciless, this is a chronicle of a hapless but still altogether human life."" -- Brian Evenson, author of A Collapse of Horses ""I was intrigued (and still am) by the cover art on this new book. Detailed and beautiful, the cover is a good segue into what to expect from the story. (In case you're wondering, the little boy looking off into the distance is Mr. Hug Chickenpenny. What is he looking at, I wonder?) Learn about Hug's life by venturing into this aptly written wonder of fiction. You won't regret it. "" -- Michael Rodriguez, bookseller, Harvard Book Store (Staff Pick) ""An exceptional, original, and inherently fascinating read