The Naturalist's Daybook
The Naturalist's Daybook is a combination nature observation guide and journal that invites readers to become skilled, long-term observers of the patterns, rhythms, and changes in the natural world right around them. Nature enthusiasts of all ages will learn to train their eyes and ears to be more alert to the lives and seasonal rhythms of the plants and animals in their own backyard.They will also learn the pleasures and benefits of keeping a nature observation journal with a specially designed format that accommodates a short observation every day for five years, making it easy and inviting to compare notes on the dates of annual events such as the appearance of the first buds on the trees, arrival of particular birds, rain and snow fall, and plant growth and harvests. With art from noted illustrator Bernd Heinrich throughout, The Naturalist's Daybook is a beautiful as well as practical, interactive tool for making nature observation and appreciation a regular routine for individuals and families.