How to Blitz Nits (and other Nasties)
A witty yet practical guide to defeating the ten most common childhood 'nasties'.The all-seeing, all-knowing powerhouse that is Mumsnet brings you the ultimate pocket guide to the most testing of childhood ailments, leaving you armed and ready for combat whenever the likes of mini-beasts, bacteria and viruses strike (too often all at once). Brimming with first-hand experience, this little book is full of tips ranging from how to deal with a poonami to how to be your child's bedtime hero, all accompanied by wry words of hope and encouragement.'Nasties' tackled include nits, threadworm, ringworm, warts, molluscum, conjunctivitis, foreign objects, vomit, poo and dragons under the bed. Each nasty has its own dedicated chapter containing both practical and hilarious tips from Mumsnet talk boards; a 'Top Trumps' card outlining skills, strengths, weaknesses and a toe-curling fact; and a comprehensive guide to making your nasty encounter as stress-free as possible. Lighthearted, funny and utterly indispensable, this comprehensive guide will be your pocket-sized lifesaver.