Transforming ADHD
Are you ready to look at adult ADHD in a completely different way? "Redefining ADHD" offers a radical, breakthrough approach based in attention regulation and interpersonal neurobiology (IPNB) to help you gain focus and freedom from your symptoms.
Adult attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can make even simple everyday tasks like paying bills or getting groceries extremely difficult. At the end of the day, you may feel unfocused, and life may seem unmanageable. However, this struggle isn t the result of an "inability" to pay attention, as is so widely believed. Studies now show that ADHD results from an inability to "maintain" attentiveness.
Adults with adult ADHD can and often do focus on things they enjoy, but have trouble focusing on things that aren t as interesting to them. More and more, experts are acknowledging that, rather than a deficit of attention, ADHD is really about adjusting attention between hyperfocusing and underfocusing.
"Redefining ADHD" draws on psychology, biology, neuroscience, sociology, and other disciplines to provide an innovative guide for learning how to better regulate your attention. Looking at ADHD through the framework of IPNB a model that see s one s mind, brain, body, and relationships as intimately connected you ll discover how to rewire your brain for better attention regulation and overall well-being.
With the research-based exercises, tools, and techniques in this book, you ll learn how to effectively manage your attention so you can focus on what it is you need to do and do it well."