European Union Law of State Aid
This is a comprehensive work for practitioners on the law of State aids in the European Union, and is accessible to practitioners who do not specialise in competition law, as well as being a reference book for competition lawyers. The book discusses all of the relevant legislation, case law and important decisional practice of the Commission, as well as providing extensive coverage of sectors such as media and transport.It covers the development of EU State aid law, and the concept of State aid, as well as more practical issues such as procedures for notification to the Commission, and judicial remedies in the European Courts. It also sets out the role of national courts in the enforcement of State aid rules, national court procedures, and the remedies which may be granted by those courts.This second edition is fully updated in light of the 2008 'credit crisis' and contains a new chapter on the financial services sector examining the 'credit crisis' measures and the application of State aid rules in the financial services sector.With its comprehensive, practical coverage of State aid rules and extensive sectoral coverage, this is the essential guide to State aid in the EU.