Transformative Learning and Adult Higher Education
Presenting current trends in transformative learning and adult higher education, this volume paints a vivid picture of the Transformative Learning theory in action. The concepts that knit these articles together despite the variety of educational settings and populations are: relationships, community, and the body experience--often missing in higher education.
This volume includes:
the voices of marginalized populations often excluded from research studies such as community college students, emerging adults with learning differences, English language learners, native Alaskans, African-American health educators, doctoral students, and yoga practitioners; new paradigms for thinking about adult undergraduate education; new ways to deal with social conflict and advise doctoral students; and personal stories from Black women leaders, college teachers, student writers as well as pregnant women, and social service providers.
This is the 147th volume of this Jossey-Bass higher education series. It offers a comprehensive range of ideas and techniques for improving college teaching based on the experience of seasoned instructors and the latest findings of educational and psychological researchers.