Finding the Birthday Cake
Based on the ancient Enneagram theory (ennea is Greek for nine; gram means drawing), this delightful book explores the nine styles of personalities and teaches children how to value differences, embrace diversity, and create a world of peace and acceptance. Walter, a most serious bird, has made a birthday cake for the most perfect party he is throwing for Ninosaur, his prehistoric pal. The only problem is: he seems to have lost it With the celebration just hours away, Walter asks his many friends to help him, only to discover that everyone's methods are very different. Quick Timmy uses his optimism. Creative Franny longs to logically figure out the mystery. The adventurous 7 cows try anything, and Amy -- strong, tough and determined -- hopes to find it all on her own. Through their joint ministrations the cake is found in time and the party is a great success.