Fierce Kindness
Help kindness become contagious. Uplift the world.
Shift the world from fear to love with a dose of Fierce Kindness: a movement of nonviolence poised to ignite positive change on a personal, community and global level. This uplifting guide inspires people to be effective warriors for positive change both within themselves and out in the world. Sections encouraging Accountability, Courage and Action guide the reader on a personal journey of transformation.
Read this book from cover to cover; pick it up randomly when you feel discouraged, sad, angry, bored or hungry. Allow the book to open to wherever it falls, and in that moment begin there. Write in this book; scrawl on it with pencil, pen or marker; fill it with your heart’s desires, thoughts and inquiries. Keep it with you so instead of reaching to your phone when you want a moment of distraction, use it to reach into your heart, direct your mind and transform your actions with Fierce Kindness.
Become a part of the Fierce Kindness movement of non-violence as an answer to the turbulent world in which we live.