Rushing Woman's Syndrome
Do you... often feel overwhelmed? Never feel like there are enough hours in the day? Have a to-do list that is never, ever all crossed off? Then you may be experiencing the first warning signs of Rushing Woman's Syndrome...
Rushing Woman's Syndrome describes the biochemical effects of always being in a hurry and the health consequences that urgency elicits. It doesn't matter if a woman has two things to do in her day or two hundred, she is in a pressing rush to do them all. Yet she very rarely feels like she wins, is in control or gets on top of things. Overwhelmed, at times she feels like she can't cope, whether she admits it out loud or keeps it all inside, adding to her wound up, knotted stomach.
This book was inspired by Dr. Libby's clinical experiences and her empathy for women and the many roles they now juggle. Never before had Dr. Libby witnessed so many women in a hurry to do everything and be all things to all people. She observed that the relentless rush was leaving women feeling tired but wired, with hormone-based health challenges such as infertility, endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome, and a debilitating monthly menstruation or menopause.
Dr. Libby combines decades of experience and her unique conversational style to explain the real impact of stress on the nervous system, endocrine system, adrenal glands, reproductive system, thyroids, pituitary gland, digestive system, and emotions. She offers real solutions to restore your health, without making any drastic lifestyle changes, so that you can stay both productive and healthy