The Physiology of Taste or Transcendetal Gastronomy
"This is much more than a cookbook--it's the musings of an old French lawyer on Life, the Universe, and Everything. I didn't read it straight through, and that's the way to do it, I think. Sometimes you'll be brought up short, as when he says, "Water is the only liquid which quenches thirst. And thank God, for how else would we enjoy wine?"
And you'll find other views that are uncommon: To him there are six senses, the usual five plus the sexual one. One could of course break down the sexual one into components, but isn't his way of looking at it much better because it's less reductive?
A generous book by a generous author in a generous translation. And in these days of sniping, back-biting, and almost psychopathic solipsism, that's very refreshing.' Amazon.com Review