Essential Leadership
Essential Leadership is a practical, accessible book that tackles theory and practice in an integrated and stimulating way. You are encouraged to engage with a wide range of leadership theories and frameworks, as well as rate your own leadership skills and qualities, make realistic self-development plans and start to experiment with new or different approaches. Rather than offering one best-way forward, or becoming overly theoretical, this book is a pragmatic resource for new and experienced leaders looking to navigate the leadership literature, and start to fully realize their own leadership potential. Supported by exercises, practical examples, rigorous self-assessments, advice and suggestions, this book offers an important guide for those currently working, or planning to work in a 21st century business environment with all its complexity and uncertainty. The best-selling authors of Making Sense of Change Management, Cameron and Green, provide an over-arching framework of five essential leadership qualities that can be refined and combined as leaders grow, allowing them to be particularly responsive to the business context. Essential Leadership allows readers to discover and develop their own leadership qualities, and master them through understanding, experimentation, feedback and reflection. Cutting edge research into Millennial Leadership is also included, as are sections on developing your leadership maturity throughout life, and how leadership culture forms and changes.