Regina Maria in amintirea Branului / Queen Marie in Bran's memories
In glasul sfant al clopotelor bisericilor risipite pe dealurile si vaile Tarii Branului, pe lemnul innegurit al troitelor eroilor, in jocul cu umbre si lumini al castelului medieval, pe aripile simfoniei de culori a florilor, in curcubeul ce preschimba haina anotimpurilor, dar mai ales in sufletul oamenilor, augusta icoana a Reginei Maria ramane nepieritoare.
In the divine sound of the church bells, up in the hills and down in the valleys of Bran Land, in the blackened wood of the heroes road crosses, in the lights and shadows of the medieval castle, in the flowers color, in the seasons rainbow, but especially in the people's hearts, the majestic icon of Queen Marie, is immortal.