Filosofia Para Mentes Inquietas
Los asuntos y teor as que m s han intrigado e interesado a las curiosas mentes de los j venes en un solo libro: el sentido de la vida, el bien y el mal, la naturaleza de la realidad o la procedencia del conocimiento. Este libro, dise ado especialmente para ellos, repasa y explica las principales teor as filos ficas y los autores m s importantes a trav s de atractivos gr ficos e infograf as. Podemos saber realmente lo que estpensando otra persona?Por questmal mentir o robar? La filosof a estllena de grandes cuestiones que afectan a todas las facetas de nuestra vida, desde las amistades que hacemos al modo en que hablamos. Filosof a para mentes inquietas presenta a los pensadores m s notables y expone las fascinantes ideas que han moldeado la filosof a a lo largo de la historia. Si alguna vez te has parado a pensar en los grandes misterios de la vida, este libro es para ti. A perfect introduction for teens to life's big questions that combines clear text with cool graphic illustrations to explain big philosophical ideas and how they relate to everyday life in an understandable way. The second installment in DK's new Heads Up series, Heads Up Philosophy addresses the issues and theories that are most intriguing and relevant to the curious minds of teens. Questions such as ""What is knowledge?,"" ""What is reality?,"" ""What is the mind?,"" and ""What's right and wrong?"" are all addressed. For further understanding, great philosophers such as Socrates, Aristotle, and Thomas Aquinas are profiled, and major theories such as epistemology and metaphysics are explained. With its visual approach, Heads Up Philosophy is designed to provoke, entertain, and stimulate young minds. If you've ever wondered about the big philosophical questions, this is the book for you.