Steps Towards Heaven, Paperback
Can we be saved without any personal knowledge of the Bible'steaching? Is it necessary to think clearly and precisely about such teaching?... These are very important questions; the answers we give to them will have temporal and eternal consequences for us. The first thing we need to know is, where we stand before God. J. C. Ryle is absolutely right when he says, 'To understand our position in the sight of God is one step towards heaven.' Steps Towards Heaven is designed to help the reader take that step. Its five chapters, which clearly explain what the Bible teaches about Sin, Salvation, Conversion, Justification, and the necessity of the work of the Holy Spirit, will help to dispel the darkness of misunderstanding and bring the reader into the light of God's truth. Above all, this book will leave the reader in no doubt that real Christianity is the outworking of a supernatural work of the Spirit of God in the human soul.