Good Writing Is Good Business: Your Go-To Guide to Stylish and Successful Business Writing, Paperback
Are you looking for a book that will help you improve your business writing and write more efficiently and confidently? And a book that will also serve as a reference guide and answer many common questions and concerns? Or are you an instructor looking for a book to help you deliver a business communications course or workshop?Good Writing Is Good Business gives you the tools you need to communicate effectively. With dozens of examples and anecdotes, this practical, engaging, and well-priced guide is packed full of useful information. What this book contains: advice on prewriting and managing the writing stagesa business writer's showcase--from the humble email to the sophisticated report to the chatty blog to the polished cover lettera grammar and punctuation refresheran overview of the principles of clear, concise, dynamic, and concise writinga review of some of the tools and techniques of professional editorssample print and online documentsexercises to reinforce the material, including an annotated answer keysuggested print and online resources and online toolsappendices, including one for writers whose first language is not English