Fired Up! Selling: Great Quotes to Inspire, Energize, Succeed, Hardcover
""Change your thoughts and you change your world."" -- Norman Vincent Peale Quotes inspire, awaken, encourage, remind, nudge, spark, jolt -- and fire us up so we can achieve our grandest goals. Fired UPSelling TM is for everyone who wants to live a fired-up life --whether they're in sales, an entrepreneur, or someone who desires to live life to it fullest. More than1, 000 quote judges around the world participated in a unique crowd-sourcing model to select the best 324 quotes for the book. Think Big, Get Going, Keep Going, Make the Sale, Succeed, and A Stronger, Better You make up the six parts. A cross-referenced subject index and author index make it easy to find the quote you want and search for your favorite author. It's a classy gift with a faux leather cover, 60 brilliant color images, and 3 silk ribbon markers, Meant to inspire employees, show gratitude to customers, and encourage friends. And, to fire you up""You can't start a fire without a spark."" -- Bruce Springsteen ""Be your own spark."" -- Stella Montana