The Cowboy and the Cossack, Paperback
Fifteen Montana cowboys and five hundred longhorns are embarking on a one of a kind Wild West adventure: a cattle drive across a thousand miles of Siberia. The clash of cultures between East and West, American six shooter and Russian saber, begins immediately when a band of Cossacks arrives to escort them to their destination. Cowboys and Cossacks must work together or they'll never survive the journey, which includes a meeting with the warrior, Genghis Kharlagawl, and his army of bloodthirsty Tartars. The code of the cowboy and the credo of the Cossack offer different measures of manhood--but honor and courage are the same in any language when a common enemy must be faced. Book Lust Rediscoveries is a series devoted to reprinting some of the best (and now out of print) novels originally published from 1960 to 2000. Each book is personally selected by NPR commentator and Book Lust author Nancy Pearl and includes an introduction by her, as well as discussion questions for book groups and a list of recommended further reading.