Effective Immediately: How to FIT IN, STAND OUT, and MOVE UP at Your First REAL Job, Paperback
When you're new to the workforce, ambition and talent aren't enough--getting on the fast track to success requires much more. If you're a recent college graduate or new hire, Effective Immediately shows you how to excel at your first job and jump-start your career. As an up-and-coming professional, you'll learn how to transform yourself from entry-level employee into skilled, invaluable all-star during your first year on the job. Accomplished young professional Emily Bennington and her mentor, seasoned manager Skip Lineberg, empower you to: - Establish yourself as a top performer from day one- Use every task--even grunt work--as an opportunity to shine- Earn the respect of your boss, colleagues, and clients - Cope with conflict, mistakes, and toxic coworkers- Land key assignments and gain greater responsibility - Manage projects and lead teams like a pro Packed with practical advice, useful resources, and wisdom from former newbies, this savvy hand-book gives you the tools, knowledge, and confidence you need to reach your highest potential.