The Lead Machine: The Small Business Guide to Digital Marketing, Paperback
Do you want to rank higher in Google, engage more people on Facebook, and build your email list? Do you want to generate more online leads and sales for your business?If so, then you're just one click away from being able to create a digital marketing plan that works for your business. In The Lead Machine, you'll discover a simple, straight-forward method for digital marketing called the BARE Essentials of Digital Marketing. Build - How to create a website that turns visitors into customers Attract - What are the three most effective methods for driving highly qualified traffic to your site Retain - How to stay in contact with prospects long after they've left your site Evaluate - How to read and analyze your traffic reports so you can constantly improve your marketing and your conversion rates Within each section you'll discover the secrets of digital marketing, and how to apply them to your own business. You'll get answers to questions such as: How do I increase my website conversions?How can I write more persuasive copy that gets people to take action at my site?How do I attract more visitors to my site?How do I get to the first page of Google?How can I come up in local search?How can I uncover which words my customers are using at Google?Where do I put my best keywords on my web page?What are the best plugins for helping me rank higher?How can I use social media to drive traffic to my site?What are the most effective social media channels for lead generation?How much time should I spend on social media?How does blogging improve my visibility online?How does a podcast help my business?How do I create videos for You Tube?How do I attract an audiece to You Tube?How do I get You Tube viewers to visit my website?Does Facebook marketing still work?Does my business need to be on Twitter?How can I prospect for new business on Linked In?What other social media platforms should I be using?How can I use webinars to build my business?How do I advertise on Facebook?How can I adverti