Win-Win Selling: Turning Customer Needs Into Sales, Paperback
Differentiating your company's products and services in the marketplace is a big challenge these days. But a company's sales force can gain sustainable advantages if it adopts the Counselor approach. A win-win mind- and skill-set, based on trust, problem solving and side-by-side work between seller and customer, makes buying easy. And because the seller stays by the customer after the sale, the door opens for long-term, expanding business. This book is useful for both new and experienced salespeople. Readers learn to adopt the unique Counselor mindset. They avoid or successfully address the four key obstacles to buying, combining the mindset with Counselor selling techniques. Fortune 500 companies in thirty countries have benefited from Wilson Learning's Counselor approach to selling for years. Larry Wilson, author of One Minute Salesperson and founder of Wilson Learning, wrote the foreword. It's indispensable for salespeople and sales managers. Models, charts, anecdotes, an index, and other resources add to its immediate impact.