Unfolding the Napkin: The Hands-On Method for Solving Complex Problems with Simple Pictures, Paperback
An original workbook companion to the acclaimed business bestseller The Back of the Napkin Dan Roam's The Back of the Napkin, a Business Week bestseller, taught readers the power of brainstorming and communicating with pictures. It presented a new and exciting way to solve all kinds of problems-from the boardroom to the sales floor to the cubicle jungle. The companion workbook, Unfolding the Napkin, helps readers put Roam's principles into practice with step-by-step guidelines. It's filled with detailed case studies, guided do-it-yourself exercises, and plenty of blank space for drawing. Roam structured the book as a complete four-day visual-thinking seminar, taking readers step-by-step from ""I can't draw"" to ""Here is the picture I drew that I think will save the world."" The workbook teaches readers how to: Improve their three ""built-in"" visual problem solving tools. Apply the four-step visual thinking process (look-see-imagine-show) in any business situation. Instantly improve their visual imaginations. Learn how to recognize the type of problem to choose the best visual solution. If The Back of the Napkin was a guide to fine dining, Unfolding the Napkin is the cookbook that will soon be heavily marked up and dogeared.""