Promote Yourself: The New Rules for Career Success, Paperback
How people perceive you at work has always been vital to a successful career. Now with the Internet, social media, and the unrelenting hum of 24/7 business, the ability to promote yourself in person, as well as online, effectively has become absolutely essential. Dan Schawbel gives you the new rules for success, and answers your most pressing questions about your career: - How do I decide on the right career path?- What are managers really looking for?- What do you do if you're stuck at work?- How do you create a personal brand for professional success?- How do you use social media to propel your career?Promote Yourself lays out a step-by-step process for building a successful career in an age of ever-changing technologies and economic uncertainty. Promote Yourself is the definitive book on how to build an outstanding career. Now with a new chapter on strategies to help you take charge of the job market, and take advantage of opportunities that will help you find the best career path for you.