Zero Accidents & Injuries: Are You Willing to Pay the Price', Paperback
Put on your Hard Hat: fasten up with strategies to keep your company safe. Could I have prevented this? This is the dreaded thought that you as the leader of your company never want to have after an accident of any measure occurs among your team members. Despite common belief, accidents on the job are not inevitable. The chances of any work-related accidents occurring should, and can, be reduced to zero. And in this book, Bob Mc Call challenges you the leader to zero out accidents. Challenge the status quo, prevent accidents, and plan ahead. Having a positive, sustainable impact on safety starts with you. In Zero Accidents and Injuries, you will learn how to: step up your leadership style to one that motivates lead well by setting clear expectations and developing a productive culture hire team players who share your company s vision for safety deter behaviors that destroy team performance""