Selling Luxury: Connect with Affluent Customers, Create Unique Experiences Through Impeccable Service, and Close the Sale
Proven principles and tactics for successful selling in the expanding luxury goods market Customers of high-end products hold extremely high expectations in terms of customer service. Unlike typical consumers who face a need and go to the market to find something to fill that need, luxury buyers make their purchasing decisions based on much less practical considerations like passion and emotion. It's up to the sales ambassadors to create that emotion and the will to buy. After all, no one actually needs a $10, 000 bracelet or a $20, 000 wristwatch. Sales ambassadors to this market must master specific customer relation skills, like the ability to listen to the customer, build long-term customer relationships based on trust and loyalty, subtly appeal to the customer's emotions, and deliver personalized service from start to finish. Selling Luxury is for frontline salespeople in the luxury goods market who want to perform at the highest level. Robert w. Lent (Paris, France) is a Senior Consultant at AC3, a Paris based training company that works worldwide. He has led seminars in more than 22 countries in Asia, Europe, and the Americas. Genevieve Tour (Paris, France) is a Training Director for Cartier and a long-time luxury sales specialist.