El Enigma del Faraon
Ciudad de los muertos, Egipto, 1353 a. C. Tras prohibirse la adoraci n a la diosa de la resurrecci n Osiris, unos sacerdotes prometen a un matrimonio devolver la vida a sus hijos haciendo uso de un antiguo elixir, un secreto enterrado bajo las arenas del desierto. Elnico precio, matar al fara n Akenat n... Lampedusa, actualidad. Cerca de una remota isla del Mediterr neo, un misterioso barco emana un humo, un veneno mortal. Minutos despu s, todos los habitantes de la isla parecen haber muerto. Respondiendo a una llamada de socorro, Kurt Austin y el equipo de NUMA se adentrar n en las causas de la cat strofe. Kurt deberdesvelar la verdad tras las leyendas, aprender los secretos del pasado para salvar las vidas del futuro. Una desesperada carrera contrarreloj en la que se enfrentara un enemigo que no se detiene ante nada ni ante nadie. El m s intrigante, salvaje, imaginativo y entretenido thriller de la serie NUMA. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION When the NUMA crew is exposed to a dangerous toxin, Kurt Austin and Joe Zavala will stop at nothing to find a cure foretold by Ancient Egyptian lore in this exhilarating novel from the #1 New York Times-bestselling series. Head of NUMA special assignments, Kurt Austin and his most trusted friend, Joe Zavala tangle with a ruthless powerbroker scheming to build a new Egyptian empire as glorious as those of the Pharaohs. Part of their adversary's plan rests on the manipulation of a newly discovered aquifer beneath the Sahara, but an even more devastating weapon at his disposal may threaten the entire world: a plant extract known as the black mist, discovered in the City of the Dead and rumored to have the power to take life from the living and restore it to the dead. With the balance of power in Africa and Europe on the verge of tipping, Kurt, Joe, and the rest of the NUMA team will have to fight to discover the truth behind the legends--but to do that, they have to confront in person the greatest legend of them all: Osiris, the ruler of the