Do What You Love, the Money Will Follow: Discovering Your Right Livelihood, Paperback
No More Monday Morning Blues... You're about to be liberated Here is the book you've been waiting for-a-step-by-step guide to finding the ""work"" that expresses and fulfills your needs, talents, and passions. Using dozens of real-life examples, Marsha Sinetar shows you how to overcome your fears, take the little risks that make big risks possible, and become a person whose work means self-expression, growth, and love Discover how to: Tune into your inner world and your unique talents Evaluate and build your self-esteem--the three key questions to ask yourself Banish your outmoded network of ""shoulds "" Deal with the Big R--resistance Liberate yourself from an unfulfilling job...and much more Discover how to tune in to your inner world and your unique talents; evaluate and build your self-esteem, banish your out-moded network of ""shoulds"" and liberate yourself from an unfulfilling job with this step-by-step guide to finding work that satisfies your passions.