Boomer Reinvention: How to Create Your Dream Career Over 50, Paperback
Faced with low retirement savings, extended longevity and rampant ageism, the baby boomer generation (born 1946-1964) is in the throes of a career and financial crisis. With less than 25% of the generation financially prepared to retire, the majority (between 60 - 70 million Americans) are going to need to keep working for as long as possible. But how can they find jobs or start businesses in a marketplace that appears unwilling to appreciate them for their experience and wisdom. Career coach John Tarnoff is convinced that the future is promising for boomers - IF they are willing to engage with the ""new"" economy in a new way. In BOOMER REINVENTION: How to Create Your Dream Career Over 50 Tarnoff lays out a proven methodology of 5 key steps and 23 actionable strategies to give boomers the resources and confidence they need to pivot to a sustainable second act, encore career - one that can be not only financially successful, but personally fulfilling as well. In BOOMER REINVENTION, Tarnoff, a non-traditional career reinvention coach, psychologist, and former Hollywood executive, provides a comprehensive, flexible, step-by-step guide for anyone over 50 to create their second act career. Fired 39% over the course of his 40-year career, Tarnoff shares the secrets to turning his own setbacks into successes, and interviews seven other boomers who reinvented their own careers. Overcoming significant obstacles in the process, they utilized and benefitted from the same methodologies Tarnoff has outlined and shared in this book. He stresses that career reinvention does not necessarily need to be a radical plunge into the unknown. It may, in fact, entail re-committing to and reinvigorating a current job or existing business from a new perspective. What makes Tarnoff's method so effective are his positive, yet contrarian viewpoints, for instance: Don't try to figure out what job or business you can fit into out there in a sea of job postings. Instead, figure out what job or busi