The High Cost of Free Parking: Updated Edition, Paperback
One of APA's most popular and influential titles is finally in paperback, with a new preface and afterword by the author. In this landmark treatise, Shoup argues that free parking contributes to auto dependence, rapid urban sprawl, extravagant energy use, and a host of other problems. Free-parking mandates intended to alleviate congestion end up distorting transportation choices, debasing urban design, damaging the economy, and degrading the environment. Ubiquitous free parking helps explain why our sprawling cities suit cars more than people, and why American motor vehicles now consume an eighth of the world's oil production. But it doesn't have to be this way. The Yale-trained economist and UCLA planning professor proposes new avenues to regulate parking--measures he says will make parking easier and driving less necessary. You'll never look at a parking spot the same way again.