Jumped, Paperback
Award-winning author Rita Williams-Garcia intertwines the lives of three very different teens in this fast-paced, gritty narrative about choices and the impact that even the most seemingly insignificant ones can have. Weaving in and out of the girls' perspectives, readers will find themselves with three different voices and sides to one story, reminiscent of Yaqui Delgado Wants to Kick Your Ass and How It All Went Down. Trina: ""Hey,"" I say, though I don't really know them. It's okay if they don't speak. I know how it is. They can't all be Trina. Dominique: Some stupid little flit cuts right between us and is like, ""Hey."" I slam my fist into my other hand because she's as good as jumped. Leticia: Girl fights are ugly. Girl fights are personal. And who's to say I wasn't seeing it from the wrong angle?