Mirrors of contemporary life - Television series
Ligia Tomoiagă
Transatlantic issues: Key Periods and Events in the History of Britain and of the United States - Ligia TOMOIAGA
Literary Tomboys From the 19th to the 21st Century
Ideology and history
Women’s Stories: academic, biographical, literary - Ligia Tomoiaga, Ramona Demarcsek, Minodora Barbul
Ligia Tomoiagă,Ramona Demarcsek,Minodora Barbul
Lecturi interdisciplinare ale formelor istorice și contemporane de propagandă. Interdisciplinary Readings Into Historical and Contemporary Forms of Propaganda. Lectures interdisciplinaires sur les formes historiques et contemporaines de propagande - Pape
Ligia Tomoiagă,Anamaria Falaus
MULTICULTURALISM and the Need for Recognition. THE BORDER World Reconfigurations of the 21st Century - Anamaria Falaus, Ligia Tomoiaga
Anamaria Falaus,Ligia Tomoiagă