Knife of dreams
Robert Jordaan
The Path of Daggers, Hardcover
Robert Jordan
The Conan Chronicles, Paperback
The Eye of the World, Hardcover
The Path of Daggers: Book Eight of 'The Wheel of Time', Paperback
Winter's Heart, Hardcover
The Shadow Rising, Hardcover
A Memory of Light, Paperback
Knife of Dreams, Paperback
The Wheel of Time, Boxed Set III, Books 7-9: A Crown of Swords, the Path of Daggers, Winter's Heart, Paperback
The Gathering Storm: Book Twelve of the Wheel of Time, Hardcover
Towers of Midnight, Paperback
The Gathering Storm: Book Twelve of the Wheel of Time, Paperback
Towers of Midnight: Book Thirteen of the Wheel of Time, Paperback
The Eye of the World, Paperback
Crossroads of Twilight: Book Ten of 'The Wheel of Time', Hardcover
Crossroads of Twilight, Paperback
A Crown of Swords, Paperback
Knife of Dreams, Hardcover
Lord of Chaos, Paperback
New Spring, Paperback
Winter's Heart: Book Nine of 'The Wheel of Time', Paperback
The Great Hunt, Hardcover
The Wheel of Time, Paperback
Turnurile de la miezul noptii. Roata timpului 13
Robert Jordan,Brandon Sanderson
Dragonul renăscut (vol.3 din seria Roata timpului)
Umbra se întinde (vol.4 din seria Roata timpului )
Focurile cerului (vol.5 din seria Roata timpului)
Seniorul haosului (vol.6 din seria Roata timpului )