Sacred Singleness, Paperback
Leslie Ludy
Authentic Beauty: The Shaping of a Set-Apart Young Woman, Paperback
Set-Apart Motherhood: Reflecting Joy and Beauty in Family Life, Paperback
Answering the Guy Questions: The Set-Apart Girl's Guide to Relating to the Opposite Sex, Paperback/Leslie Ludy
Ce inseamna sa fii mama. Reflectarea bucuriei si a frumusetii in viata de familie
Ce inseamna sa fii femeie
Feminitate pusa deoparte. Scopul sfant al lui Dumnezeu pentru fiecare tanara
The Set-Apart Woman: God's Invitation to Sacred Living, Paperback
Leslie Ludy,Leslie Ludy
Cand povestea de dragoste ti-o scrie Dumnezeu - Eric Ludy
Eric Ludy,Leslie Ludy
Cand visele se implinesc - Eric Ludy