Recovering the Soul: A Scientific and Spiritual Approach, Paperback
Larry Dossey
Reinventing Medicine: Beyond Mind-Body to a New Era of Healing, Paperback
Healing Words: The Power of Prayer and the Practice of Medicine, Paperback
Puterea premonitiilor
Singura minte - Larry Dossey
Recuperarea sufletului. O cautare stiintifica si spirituala
Cuvinte tămăduitoare. Puterea rugăciunii şi practica medicinei
Sufletul pereche te cheama
Emmanuel Carrère,Larry Dossey,Christina Lauren,Bruno Bettelheim,Neil Degrasse Tyson,Russ Michael
Cercul Vrajitorilor
Emmanuel Carrère,Larry Dossey,Christina Lauren,Bruno Bettelheim,Neil Degrasse Tyson,Russ Michael,Ruth Ware,Lee Child,Torben Kuhlmann,Nicoleta Tudor