Ia iniţiativa. Cum schimbă totul asumarea responsabilităţii
John Izzo
The Purpose Revolution: How Leaders Create Engagement and Competitive Advantage in an Age of Social Good, Paperback
Cele 5 secrete ale vieţii fericite
Cele cinci secrete pe care trebuie sa le descoperi inainte de a muri - Audiobook
John Izzo,Necunoscut
Ia initiativa - Audiobook
John Izzo,Sue Klebold
The Five Thieves of Happiness, Paperback
John B. Izzo,John B. Izzo
The Five Secrets You Must Discover Before You Die, Paperback/John B. Izzo
John B. Izzo
Stepping Up: How Taking Responsibility Changes Everything, Paperback