Your 15th Club: The Inner Secret to Great Golf, Hardcover
Bob Rotella
Putting Out Of Your Mind, Paperback
Golf is Not a Game of Perfect, Paperback
Putting Out of Your Mind, Hardcover
Golf Is a Game of Confidence, Hardcover
Golf Is Not a Game of Perfect, Hardcover
How Champions Think: In Sports and in Life, Paperback
Bob Rotella,Bob Rotella
Cum gandesc campionii in sport si in viata - Bob Rotella, Bob Cullen
Bob Rotella,Bob Cullen
Golful nu este un sport al perfecțiunii - Paperback brosat - Bob Cullen, Bob Rotella - Pilot books
Your 15th Club, Paperback
Dr. Bob Rotella
Viata nu-i un joc al perfectiunii. Gaseste-ti talentul ascuns si lasa-l sa te ghideze - Dr. Bob Rotella, Bob Cullen
Dr. Bob Rotella,Bob Cullen